Alles anzeigenHey Everyone,
This patch focuses on bug fixing and polish of a bunch of existing systems. We also made some big memory improvements, and continued fixes for dedicated servers. You’ll need to get the latest dedicated server build in order for games to be compatible with this release.
Dedicated servers now use Steam server authentication. This allows you to now see the number of players in each server before joining. We fixed a bunch of issues with repairing structures in dedicated servers, and also some issues with running a server and client on the same machine.
For the translations introduced last patch, we have fixed a bunch of positioning issues, and added a first pass at a way to translate the survival book itself. We’ve also behind the scenes been preparing for a switch to new font types per language, so that all languages will be possible. Once the new font system is in, we have a bunch of translations ready to release.
For user interface, we continued replacing old icons with the newly designed icons for a bunch of in-world objects. We also made progress on a redesign of the title screen, and options menu’s. We also now show the day on saved game, so when saving you have a better idea which file you are updating.
For balance, one issue we’ve had since adding hot key items, is the possibility for players to spam healing items whilst in combat. We’ve added in a healing slow down to this. Take a med, it will now instantly show you how much it will heal, but the actual healing will crawl up to the full amount. In hard mode we have made this speed significantly slower. Chainsaw was made a lot more powerful against enemies, and we fixed some fuel exploits. For traps, we increased the chances of enemies being caught by both the deadfall and happy birthday traps! As they would often just run past them or avoid them making them not very useful against regular cannibals.
For multiplayer, we’ve added 4 new hair variations for one of the character types and smoothed out the movement of animals for coop client players.
There are also a bunch of bug fixes, new hair models for the female cannibal, a bunch of small polish fixes for building placement and lots more.
We’ve set the next patch to around 20 days from now, as we’re planning v0.62 to be a pretty big patch release!
As always, please continue to post your bug reports and feedback in the Discussions area of the Community Hub
V0.61 changelog:
- (DS) Dedicated Steam server authentication added, allows performing security checks
- (DS) Connected players in dedicated servers should now be correctly listed
- (DS) Fixed issues with repairing custom foundations
- (Multiplayer) Fixed chainsaw engine SFX playing on remote players when out of fuel
- Improved hair model/texture on female cannibal types
- Fixed enemies sometimes spawning in the sinkhole on peaceful mode
- Added the yellow hammer overlay icon to all building ghosts that didn’t have it yet
- Fixed placing climbing rope sometimes not responding
- Fixed standing fires lacking collision
- Fixed bed, chair and table missing wood sfx when hit or walked on
- Ghost dock now performs an accurate presence check to prevent players from completing it while inside the model
- Improved construction icons positioning when inside larger structures
- Fixed wrong texture on cannibal leader skull lamps
- Fixed defensive wall placement missing the Fire1 action icon before locking the first point
- (DS) No longer attempting to hook with the Steam client, it is no longer needed to worry about launching the game first to have a server running on the same machine as the one running the game
- Fixed rotate icon missing during placement of nest-able structures (ie: wall planter) when not targeting a supporting structure
- Damaging foundations no longer distorts nested buildings (ie: a rope anchored to a gazebo)
- Fixed ghost Wall Planter, Wall Weapon Rack, Head Trophy, Ceiling Skull Lamp, Wood Bench and Sap Collector not turning red when not placeable
- Chainsaw fuel pickups no longer respawn (we actually missed one inside a tent that does respawn, the rest should not however)
- Increased chainsaw damage against enemies
- Fixed coop players sometimes sending wrong damage to certain structures
- Fixed some animation issues during end game cut scenes
- (Multiplayer) Reduced jitteriness of animal movement for client players
- (Translations) Fixed all HUD elements anchoring to allow proper positioning regardless of text size
- Fixed some end game assets being preloaded even if no players were in the end game section
- (Translations) Setup translation as overlay in most of the book
- Updated structure anchor icon, repair icons and re-arm trap icon to new design
- Custom foundations repair cost is now limited to 20 hammer hits regardless of damage sustained
- Updated Survival book texture in opening plane scene to display correct name
- Caves – Updated icons for cave entrances
- Optimized memory usage of various animation assets
- Fixed houseboat not saving HP
- Fixed drying rack leaving icons visible if destroyed while targeted
- Fixed dock walkway not receiving damage
- Stashing the current weapon no longer equips the previous (or default) weapon
- Device management screen no longer displays keyboard and mouse
- Input mapping system no longer separates settings between hardware types, all types are seen from the same screen and can be changed or set from there
- (Balance) Health regeneration after using meds or eating is now of 5hp/s in normal difficulty and 0.5hp/s in hard instead of instantaneous. A visual indicator displays the current target health value while health is regenerating
- Caves – Cleaned up cave 4 greebles and walls in main cavern
- Fixed players able to climb down very narrow gaps between structures while on rope
- Fixed player camera becoming offset if activating certain end game cut scenes while attacking with various weapons
- (Multiplayer) In-cave flag is now stored in player data, this will prevent the cave not loading properly issue for clients saving in caves around the sinkhole (not retroactive for saves already broken but compatible with working saves and prevents the issue from that point forward)
- (Multiplayer) Added several hair variations to the one of the multiplayer characters
- Fixed spec on red paint
- Lowered brightness of enemy drop down splash
- Fixed trapped enemies not dropping to ground if trap is destroyed
- (Multiplayer) Fixed player movement locked after being revived while sending a chat message
- Fixed issues with hint texts
- (Multiplayer) Fixed host camera shaking on plane when client first joins
- (UI) New title scene, options and pause menu designs